How to get here

We are located in Lake Colbún, Maule Region, Chile, if you want to know how to get to Ecorefugio follow these indications


From Santiago, approximate travel time: 3h 30m

If you have Waze or Google Map. It’s very easy, you just have to write in the application: Ecorefugio spa and you will be guided directly to our facilities.

If you don’t have access to these applications. Don’t worry, you can print these instructions: map of how to get to Ecorefugio

the last 7 km are dirt road, in general in good condition and accessible to any vehicle, we recommend traveling with daylight.


From Santiago, approximate travel time: 4h 20m

If you decide to travel by bus. Your destination is the town of Colbún.

From Santiago at the end of the south you can take a direct bus to the town. You can book it: Here

If you come from another city you will have to transfer in the city of Talca or Linares, in both terminals buses leave every 40 minutes to the town of Colbún.

Plan your trip and let us know your arrival time in town. In this way, we will be able to provide you with the transport data from the town of Colbún to our facilities.


From Santiago, approximate travel time: 4h 40m

If this is your choice of transportation, get your ticket to the city of Talca. You can do it here

Arriving at the train station in Talca. You must take a approach bus at Avenida Isidora del Solar, they leave every 10 minutes and will take you to Doce Oriente with Tres Sur (7-minute trip). There, you can take a direct bus to the town of Colbún at the terminal (35-minute trip)

Plan your trip and let us know your arrival time in town. In this way, we will be able to provide you with the transport data from the town of Colbún to our facilities.

How can we help you?

If you have any questions about Ecorefugio, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Simply fill in the form and we will contact you. We usually answer the same day or you can also call us directly from the phone.


Peninsula La Patagua 12C, Colbún, Chile


+56 (9) 3178 4305



Here you can review the explanatory answers to our most common questions.

Between 9:00 and 9:30 you will hear good morning, which will mean that your breakfast tray will be available on your terrace, you just have to heat water in your kitchen, to enjoy our delicious breakfast.

  • Let us know if you have any allergies or intolerances.
  • Between 11:00 and 11:30 we remove the tray.
  • The containers are reusable so they are not included with breakfast.
  • Breakfast included with the stay, is for 2 people
  • Additional breakfast value: 8USD

Our staff does not enter the rooms during your stay, your shelter is your home on Lake Colbún, if you require the toilet anyway, you can request it at the reception with an additional cost 16 USD, your things must be in order and the shelter must be without people inside.

ECOREFUGIO through its “Go Green” concept promotes the care of resources, so you will be given a sanitized kit with bed linen and towels on the third day of your stay with us, you will be asked to leave on the terrace the closed bag of the kit with the bed linen and towels already used.

Through our WhatsApp (+56 9 3178 4305) you can contact the reception, obtain information, request services to your shelter, arrange tours, as well as any questions you may have.

Our Check In Time is from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., if for some reason you cannot arrive within that time range, you can make a late Check in which has a cost of 12 USD (10,000 Chilean pesos).